Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake Inf o: The Adventure Time spin-off Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake follows the exploits of Finn the Human and Jake the Dog. This show centers on Fionna the Human and Cake the Cat, the gender-flipped counterparts of Finn and Jake. Simon Petrikov, a character who spent the most of Adventure Time as the Ice King, also appears in the show. The characters in Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake traverse the multiverse while being pursued by “a powerful new antagonist” who is “determined to track them down and erase them from existence. Action Adventure Comedy Family Fanta Credits: MAX Episode List Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake Episode 2 Simon Petrikov Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake Episode 1 Fionna Campbell This Adventure Time spin-off will have 10 episodes. The show follows Fionna the Human, a gender-swapped version of Finn, and Cake the Cat, a gender-swapped version of Jake the Dog. The duo go on various adventures with Simon Petrikov, a character kno
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